中国丽江永胜瓷业公司    日期: 2013年11月28日     365bet娱乐场官网





W r on of mjor dily fin porclin mnufcurrs in Yunnn. I is mor hn 140 yrs sinc h foundion. I is locd in h inrchn of nli Rod nd Xinnin Rod so h rnsporion is convnin. Th cpciy of h fcory is bou wny million of dily fin porclin which r diffrn rds nd hundrds of kinds pr yr. Th producs includ blwr、 s、coff s、win s、r wr nd som ourism producs. W cn produc som indusril 、hol nd ohr kinds of porclin on schdul nd wih ood quliy ccordin o your rquirmns. Th indicors jus lik hrmo sbiliy, wr bsorpion, whinss, lossinss, c. r min h nionl sndrd bs on h dcion of nionl quliy dcion cnr. In 2006, w hv pssd ISO9001-2000z quliy mnmn sysm crificion nd o h rih o n in por. Wlcom ll h cusomrs o visi noi businss.





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